We know that starting a new job can make you anxious. 人力资源部会帮你的 make sure that you feel ready for your first day. 新员工入职培训 every two weeks which is organized by different members throughout the 校园.
All new hires are required to review all policies and procedures including the 科罗拉多州 国家毒品和酒精政策 科罗拉多州.政府
- 填写表格 i - 9形式 在北卡大学工作后3天内. Please make sure you bring the appropriate identification(s) 填写表格.
- 完成一个 直接存款协议
- 完成一份 圆满填写完减免证明形式
欢迎来到UNC! We are excited to have you on 校园. Here are some links to the different 校园和格里利的地图. Please let us know if you are having trouble finding something on 校园, we are happy to help you out.
UNC provides a wide range of on-校园 services from dining facilities to our boomerang 航天飞机服务. We want our 工作人员 to feel comfortable getting around 校园 and enjoying 我们的服务.
Annual Campus Security and Fire 安全 Report
The 北科罗拉多大学 is committed to providing a safe and secure 校园
where the pursuit of higher education can take place
while balancing individual rights, responsibilities, and freedoms. 大学
北科罗拉多 is an open 校园 that has
traditionally experienced a relatively low crime rate. 尽管有可能
a criminal act occurring against a member of the University
community is statistically low, criminal activity does occasionally take place on
校园. It is for this reason the University continually strives to
upgrade the 校园’ physical security, improve crime reduction programs, and provide
The Professional Administrative Staff Council (PASC) was established in 1986 to advise the University on matters relevant to its constituents and to participate in University 治理.
The 教师 Senate serves as the delegate assembly of the voting faculty at the University 北科罗拉多.
Nestled between the snow-capped Rocky Mountains and the sprawling high plains just an hour’s drive north of Denver, the metro-Greeley area has a population over 100,000. Its pace is comfortable, its personality eclectic, its population diverse. 位于 In the heart of Weld County - one of the fastest-growing areas in 科罗拉多州 - Greeley provides access to an abundance of housing choices, job opportunities and cultural, recreational and entertainment amenities. You'll find all the major retailers and chain restaurants, great locally-owned shops and restaurants, and have easy access to a wide variety of 科罗拉多州 adventures, whether you’re into skiing, hiking, camping, horseback riding, shopping or just exploring new vistas.